Stereotypen en ambtenaren: wat vinden wij?
Over ambtenaren bestaan veel negatieve stereotypen: lui, traag, bureaucratisch. Er worden vaak grapjes over gemaakt, maar die stereotypen hebben ook impact. Ten eerste op het welzijn, de motivatie en de prestaties van ambtenaren zelf. Het heeft ook invloed op hoe wij de dienstverlening van de overheid zien. Isa Bertram doet hier onderzoek naar. Samen met Robin Bouwman van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en Lars Tummers van de Universiteit Utrecht heeft ze onderzocht of mensen met een lager inkomen en sociale status negatiever denken over ambtenaren.
Artikel van 14 maart 2022 via Universiteit Utrecht, artikel van 2 april 2022 via RTL Nieuws en uitzending op 2 april 2022 van Editie NL

NPO Radio 1
Due to all the negative reports, more and more people are refusing to be vaccinated with AstraZeneca. How do you regain their trust? After all, society can only open if enough people have had their shot. Professor Tummers, an expert in behavioral change, among other things, believes in 'nudges': small pushes that can change attitudes towards vaccination.
Broadcast of April 13, 2021 on NPO Radio 1
Knowledge & Debate
Tivoli Vredenburg
Prof. dr. Dr Lars Tummers talks in this pop-up lecture about the vaccination strategy and behavioral change. The recipe for successfully directing the behavior of the population, for example, is of course very much in demand at the offices of civil servants, marketers and others. Not only during this vaccination campaign, but also when making other choices such as eating healthy or becoming a donor. In this lecture, Tummers shows the most recent scientific insights into how we make choices, and how we allow ourselves and can influence ourselves.

In Deventer it turns out: chalk a line in a quiet part of a shopping street and the public comes again
Article in The Stentor
Young researchers make Utrecht version of YouTube hit
Young researchers from Utrecht University have made a film that promotes solidarity and reduces prejudice. The group, Utrecht Young Academy, conducted research among 902 Utrecht residents under the supervision of Professor of Public Management and Behavior Lars Tummers.
Article via DUIC and Utrecht University
We give the government a six, is that right?
The score that the government receives is in line with the general picture we have of the Netherlands, says Lars Tummers, professor of Public Management and Behavior at Utrecht University. He conducts research into stereotyping of civil servants in the Netherlands, South Korea and Canada. „When you talk about 'civil servants' or 'the government', you get less high scores than when you talk about your primary school, for example. They are general institutions and are therefore further removed from us.”
Article in Metro

March 15, 2019
'Naar Gedragen Gedragsverandering' (in Dutch)
Read the inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Lars Tummers here
ASReview is a tool that accelerates the screening of literature during a Systematic Review using Active Learning. Researchers from the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance have provided datasets for the testing process in the development of the tool. Lars Tummers supervised this testing process.
If you would like to know more about ASReview or use this tool, you can visit the website.

Civil servants boring and lazy? 'Always hearing you're a loser does something to you'
Lars Tummers, professor of Public Management and Behavior at Utrecht University is currently working on a five-year study: "Lazy civil servants? Stereotypes about civil servants in different countries".
Article at

This is how organizations use nudges to help us make the right choice
"Nudges. That is the best translation of nudges. If you have to make a choice, let it be the right choice. There are two ways to do this, Denise de Ridder and Lars Tummers explain in their new book Nudging. 'A nudge is a way to change behavior without forbidding options or making the alternative choice very difficult,' they write."
Article bout the book Nudging in the AD
Lars Tummers: "Prime Minister's speeches are of great importance"
In short mini-lectures of about 8 minutes, professors of public administration from the Netherlands and Flanders discuss what the corona crisis means for public administration science and vice versa what public administration science means for the understanding of the crisis and for the consequences for action. It is an initiative of the Association for Public Administration (VB).
View the mini lecture via Binnenlands Bestuur

Source: NOS